Career Choices Based on Your Unique Personality


Choosing a career can be based on a lot of factors and some of them aren’t necessarily the best decision-making tools. Think about those who have followed in a parent’s footsteps because that was expected, went with their high school career counsellor’s half-interested suggestion or chose on the basis of what job may pay the most.  

Without other important considerations, these are not the best factors for selecting your career. Sure, you could be perfectly happy in the career your school counsellor suggested, but guaranteed there’s more to the decision than that suggestion.  

For example, one ideal factor is personality. While personality traits alone shouldn’t lead to a career choice either, they are much better indicator of fit and job satisfaction 

Perhaps the best indicator for career fit is interest. Generally, interest comes together with suitable personality traits. The two combined can lead to a very fulfilling career decision. However, we may think we understand what a job is only to learn that isn’t reality. Thus, what we’re interested in is actually a myth.  

To better understand a career, try it out in a low-risk wayTaking continuing education courses in the area you’re interested in can help define if something is a fit or not. Alternatively, consider finding someone in the field and job shadow them for a day.  

Here are some personality traits and the jobs they might successfully lead to: 

  • Extraverted and people oriented  

These individuals like being around others and are energized by interacting with them in a variety of settings. They like to help people and believe in making things better.  

    • Those who fit these types of traits could consider life coach training certification or HR program online or in-person. People who also like working with children as well as individuals with varying levels of abilities would do well in an education assistant program. 
    • Additionally, working in the medical field may be a fit if the person is organized and able to prioritize effectively. Taking a nursing unit clerk program might be an option.  
  • Structured, detail oriented, organized 

These individuals like order and have a strong ability to explain situations to others. They are also flexible within the confines of pre-determined structures.

    • People with these types of personality traits would be a great fit for accounting and would likely benefit from exploring the field through accounting program 
    • Additionally, a nursing unit clerk also fits here as do those interested in a variety of computer-related careers. Something like a UX design course could be helpful in defining fit.  
  • Curious, creative, adaptability 

These traits are often strong in people who like to try new things, want to see their ideas come to fruition and know they can make things better.  

    • Individuals with these traits are ideal in marketing roles and may want to look at a digital marketing certificate program 
    • Alternatively, these people are often strong in careers in the arts, computer programming, journalism and advanced forms of medicine such as surgeons. 

Don’t let anyone tell you that choosing a career is simple! It’s a big decision and involves a lot of different factors. Your personality traits should come into play as should the things that interest you, but before you lock in on a career choice, be sure to get to know what the job is all about.   

Written by: Ronda Payne


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